Each LEA school has an entitlement based on their pupil numbers. Entitlements run for the financial year and are reviewed annually in the spring term using the pupil numbers from the January census. Letters confirming new entitlements are issued each year at the beginning of the summer term. Schools have one month from the new entitlement letters being issued to request a review of their entitlement for changes to take effect in the current financial year.

Schools are able to request a review of their entitlement at any time during the year but any changes agreed will normally take effect from the new financial year if requests are made more than one month after the new entitlement letters have been issued.

We are happy to visit schools to discuss their entitlement and usage of the service or if they would like to find out more about the range of services we provide, particularly where there have been staff changes.

For further information, to request a copy of your school's entitlement letter, to discuss your entitlement or to request a visit, please contact our Customer Services Officer on 01228 227277 or Email: library.servicesforschools@cumberland.gov.uk

Academies subscribe to the service via an annual service agreement. Agreements are usually for the academic year to align with academy funding. In the first year after conversion, an additional agreement for the summer term is issued to cover the period between the end of the financial year entitlement and the start of the academic year service agreement.

There are a variety of packages available to suit all budgets and needs. Please call our Customer Services Officer on 01228 227277 or Email: library.servicesforschools@cumberland.gov.uk for more information, to request a visit or to subscribe.

Secondary academies and LEA secondary schools subscribe to the services via an annual service agreement. Agreements can be for the financial or academic year. There are a variety of services available to suit all budgets and needs. Please call our Customer Services Officer on 01228 227277 or Email: library.servicesforschools@cumberland.gov.uk for more information, to request a visit or to subscribe.